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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 6187-6196

Investigating The Problems Faced By The Esl Learners In E-Learning At Intermediate Level

Muhammad Yasin, Dr. Saeed Ahmad, Mariyam Saif Azeem.


The present study investigates the problems and difficulties faced by English language learners in E-learning through LMS (Learning Management System). It further explores the learners' technical, economic, geographical, and behavioural issues in the online teaching and learning system. This study was conducted with 25 students of Intermediate Part-II at Government Graduate College Bure Wala,Distt. Vehari (Pakistan). The data was collected through the quantitative method by employing the research tool of the questionnaire, which comprised ten close-ended questions for the learners with dichotomic options. The data were analysed by applying the statistical device of percentage. The findings of the study show that E-learning is a quite helpful system of teaching the English language. It has also been suggested that the teachers pay more attention to the content and teaching method to make it interesting and attractive for the learners and conduct proper testing in language skills.

Key words: E-learning, Learning Management System (LMS), Learning Outcomes,Online Teaching, Teaching Objectives.

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