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Awareness on childhood obesity among mothers attending pediatrics outpatient department at tertiary care teaching hospital

Pradeepa S, Elango S, Andrews M, Amin Hanan R, Amritha S, Ambica G.

Cited by 7 Articles

Background: Childhood obesity is emerging as a global issue that needs more focus nationally and internationally. Increased calorie intake along with decreased physical activity among children is on the rise that has been responsible for unhealthy weight gain. Health education is essential to tackle decreased awareness among mothers regarding childhood obesity.

Objectives: (1) The objectives of the study were to know whether mothers are aware about childhood obesity and how it affects their child’s health. (2) To create an awareness about beneficial effects of breastfeeding in prevention of obesity.

Materials and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among mothers attending Paediatric Outpatient Department at Chennai Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Trichy, from October to November 2017. A total of 200 mothers were studied using pre-structured and pre-designed questionnaire. The data were collected, and statistical analysis was done.

Results: Of 200, only 5.6% of study participants had good knowledge, 56.9% poorknowledge, and 37.5% had no knowledge about it.

Conclusion: The present study highlights that awareness camps about childhood obesity and overweight must be included in routine health care visits for preventing the current increasing trends of non-communicable diseases.

Key words: Overweight; Physical Activity; Childhood Obesity; Health Education; Non-communicable Diseases

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