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Original Article

Med Arch. 2017; 71(6): 404-407

Hyperlactatemia and the Importance of Repeated Lactate Measurements in Critically Ill Patients

Amina Godinjak, Selma Jusufovic, Admir Rama, Amer Iglica, Faris Zvizdic, Adis Kukuljac, Ira Tancica, Sejla Rozajac.


Objective. The aim of the study was to describe the prevalence of hyperlactatemia and emphasis on repeated lactate measurements in critically ill patients, and the associated mortality. Materials and methods. The study included 70 patients admitted in the Medical Intensive Care Unit at the Clinical Center, University of Sarajevo, in a 6-month period (July - December 2015). The following data were obtained: age, gender, reason for admission, Simplified Acute Physiology Score II, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation, lactate concentrations upon admission, after 24 and 48 hours, and outcome (discharge from hospital or death). Results. Upon admission,hyperlactatemia was present in 91.4% patients with a mean concentration of lactate 4.13 ±1.21 mmol/L. Lactate concentration at 48 hours was independently associated within creased in-hospital mortality (P = 0.018). Conclusion. Persistent hyperlactatemia is associated with adverse outcome in critically ill patients. Lactate concentration at 48 hours is independently associated within creased in-hospital mortality and it represents a statistically significant predictive marker of fatal outcomes of patients. Blood lactate concentrations > 2.25 mmol/L should be used by clinicians to identify patients at higher risk of death.

Key words: hyperlactatemia, critical illnesses, fatal outcomes.

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