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Ann Med Res. 2016; 23(2): 171-176

Therapeutic effects of melatonin and quercetin on carbon tetrachloride-induced cardiac damage in rats

Hulya Elbe, Mukaddes Esrefoglu, Asli Taslidere, Elif Taslidere, Burhan Ates.

Cited by 2 Articles

Aim: Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) is a potent, lipid-soluble toxic agent and produces peroxidative degeneration in many tissues. In this study, antioxidative effects of melatonin and quercetin were evaluated by histological and biochemical methods in CCl4-induced cardiac damage.
Materials and Method: 35 rats were divided into equally 5 groups: control, olive oil, CCl4, CCl4+Melatonin, and CCl4+Quercetin. At the end of the study hearts tissues were processed by routin histological and biochemical procedures.
Results:The histological appearance of control and olive oil groups were normal. However, histopathological alterations such as vacuolization and necrosis of cardiocytes, vascular congestion, hemorrhage, infiltration and fibrosis were observed in the CCl4 group. Significant increase in histopathological scoring was detected in CCl4 group when compared with the control and olive oil groups. Furthermore, histopathological changes were markedly reduced in CCl4+Melatonin, and CCl4+Quercetin. The tissue MDA levels of CCl4 group were significantly increased in comparison with the control and olive oil groups. In treatment groups, MDA levels were significantly lower than that of the CCl4 group. The tissue GSH levels and SOD activities were significantly decreased when compared with the control and olive oil groups. Melatonin and quercetin administrations resulted in significant increases in GSH levels and SOD activities.
Conclusion: We concluded that cardiac damage induced by CCl4 toxicity is prevented by melatonin and quercetin administrations via antioxidative properties.

Key words: Carbon Tetrachloride; Cardiac Damage; Melatonin; Quercetin.

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