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Asparagus racemosus extract increases the life span in Drosophila melanogaster

K. V. Kiran Kumar, K. S. Prasanna, J. S. Ashadevi.

Cited by 5 Articles

Free radicals and oxidative stress are recognized as important factors in the biology of aging as well as in many age-related diseases. Dietary antioxidant plays a potential role in the reduction of age-related diseases. Many medicinal plants are rich source of antioxidants and promote longevity. Drosophila is a suitable animal model to study ageing and oxidative study. This study evaluated the antioxidant property of Asparagus racemosus on longevity and G6PD activity in Drosophila melanogaster. The analyses were carried out in stress and non stress conditions. Longevity increased almost by 29% at low concentration and 41% at high concentration in extract supplemented flies. G6PD level was significantly increased in extract supplemented larval stages than adults. The antioxidant property of Asparagus racemosus increases the larval G6PD activity thus; it extends the lifespan in adults.

Key words: Asparagus racemosus, antioxidants, longevity, oxidative stress, Acrylamide, G6PD. Drosphila melanogaster.

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