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Case Report

Verrucous carcinoma of the hand

Sara Mai, Siham Mansouri, Salima Baya, Achraf Khayri, Samir El Maazouz, Nourredine Gharib, Abdelah Abbassi, Kaoutar Znati, Karima Senouci, Badredine Hassam and Nadia Ismaili.

Cited by 0 Articles

Skin verrucous carcinoma is a rare well-differentiated variant of squamous cell carcinoma that usually affects the feet but can touch any part of the body including the hands. We report the case of a large verrucous carcinoma on an old man’s wrist with a second localization on the interdigital space that presented diagnostic problems and was successfully treated by surgical excision and secondary skin grafting.

Key words: verrucous carcinoma, skin tumor, treatment

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