The need of the current research study was to inquire the combined effect of aerobic training and yogic practices on psychomotor profiles of college men. To realize the purpose of the study thirty college men were selected from in and around Thanjavur District, Tamilnadu, India during the year 2020. The subject’s age ranges from 18 years to 25 years. The selected subjects were divided into two uniform groups consists of 15 men each namely experimental group and control group. The experimental group underwent a combined aerobic training and yogic practices programme for six weeks. The control group was not participating in any other training during the course of the study. Reaction time was taken as criterion variable in this research. The selected subjects were tested on reaction time was measured through Stick drop method (Distance on ruler 20 centimeters). The difference is found due to combined aerobic training and yogic practices given to the experimental group on reaction time when compared to control group.
Key words: Aerobic Training, Yogic Practices, Reaction Time and‘t’ ratio.