Phosphorus is the second most vital nutrient required by every existing live on the earth including plants and humans. It is structural element of the plants and humans DNA and RNA and it plays pivotal role such as cell division, and physiological responses. The deficiency of this nutrient may leads to serious problems apatite loss, bone pain in humans and growth stagnation in plants. Phosphorus, although is present in the earth in huge amount but not available for the plant and humans. The plant demand of phosphorus earlier fulfilled by using the chemically prepared phosphate fertilizers but its use generally has undesirable effect on the plants, humans and animals as well as environments. Phosphate solubilizing microorganisms under the natural and stressed conditions could be alternative and eco-friendly approach for agro-environmental sustainability. These microorganisms solubilizes inorganic and organic phosphorus both through various mechanism such as production of organic acids, inorganic acid, H2S, siderophores and protons; excretion of extracellular enzymes; direct oxidation pathway and enzymatic actions. Microorganisms with phosphate-solubilizing activity have been reported from different phyla of all three domain eukarya, archaea, and bacteria from various natural as well as stressful environmental conditions
Key words: Agricultural Sustainability, Biofertilizers, Diversity, Phosphate Solubilization, Plant Growth Promotion