Introduction: Patients with a facial fracture with open depressed frontal fracture and head trauma required prompt management. Delayed management of head trauma caused massive bleeding, infections, damage to brain function, or even caused by death. This case report aimed to explain the emergency treatment of facial trauma accompanied by an open depressed frontal bone. Case report: A 34-year-old female patient came with bleeding from the mouth to Hasan Sadikin Emergency Department. ± 1 day before admission, she had a history of the traffic accident. Extraoral examination there was edema at the facial region, post situational suturing at frontonasal, left palpebra and lower lip region, and lacerated wound at left palpebra region. Intraoral examination there was an open bite, hematoma, and edema at the upper lip, gingiva, and vestibule region. The patient was diagnosed with a facial fracture with open depressed frontal fracture and head trauma. This article will be reported a case about the management of open depressed fracture frontal with facial fractures by controlled bleeding to prevented aspiration. After the emergency management, the patients are treated at the ward for 4 days and the management of facial fractures by elective open reduction with internal fixation (ORIF). Conclusion: Immediate and appropriate treatment of facial trauma accompanied by head injury at the frontal region can prevent complications and morbidity of the patient
Key words: Facial fractures, open depressed frontal fracture, elective ORIF