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Case Report

Extraction of foreign body from the liver via laproscopic surgery

Sajal Gupta, Jeevan Kankaria.

Cited by 0 Articles

Ingestion of foreign body is a common medical problem frequently encountered in the
emergency room. Peadiatric, psychiatric patients and prisoners are the most common
population suffering from accidental or in some cases intentional ingestion of foreign body.
Commonly majority of cases require no surgical intervention and the swallowed object
passes through digestive tract spontaneously without causing any significant complications.
Less than 1% of the cases complicate gastrointestinal tract perforation, which are often
caused by sharp objects which warrants surgical intervention. A 23 hear old male patient was
admitted to our hospital with a complain of pain abdomen . He got an abdominal xray and a
CECT scan of the abdomen done which revealed a large foreign body in his liver . The patient
had a history of fall 5 months back and started having abdominal pain for which he went to the
local doctor, got some antispasmodics and was relieved of the pain. So we planned a
laparoscopic removal of the foreign body which was successful and the postoperative recovery
was uneventful. So we reported a laparoscopic approach to be safe and feasible for the
removal of intraabdominal foreign body.

Key words: foreign body, liver, laparoscopic surgery

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