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JEAS. 2019; 6(2): 18-27

An Exploratory Study of E-Government Usage: A Saudi Perspective

Rana Alabdan.


Electronic technology is increasing gradually in Saudi Arabia and using e-services among Saudi users become more popular due to its effectiveness and efficiency. The aim of this study is to investigate the usage of electronic government (e-government) or (eGovernment) among Saudi users, especially with the transformation according to vision 2030. There is a vast paradigm shift in using e-government in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, especially with the surrounding eGovernment services such as Absher. This study will provide a thorough review of the usage of eGovernment across the regions of Saudi Arabia and the reasons for non-usage as well. The word eGovernment
and E-government will be used interchangeably in the context.

Key words: eGov; Saudi; statistical analysis; e-government services; Absher

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