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J. res. tradit. med. 2022; 8(2, Jul- Dec 2022): 78-83

Evaluation of Flaxseed for the management of sleep disturbances in college going adults - A pilot study

Shweta Kanchan, Sunita Tiwari, Gautam Swaroop.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background:Sleepdisturbancesintheformofpoorqualitysleep,short sleeptimeandirregular sleep wake schedule are common in young adult population. These sleep disturbances can lead to a number of adverse effects like poor cognition, impaired memory and metabolic disorders in young adults. The above study was conducted to find out whether flaxseed with its potential properties can improve the sleep problems in young adults and thus provide an easily available solution for sleep disturbances. Aim: To evaluate the effect of flaxseed on the subjective and objective sleep parameters and circadian rhythm of young college going adults. Method: Fifty college going students in the age group of 18-25 yrs. were selected for the study from different colleges in Lucknow. They underwent subjective questionnaire based analysis based using Pittsburg sleep quality index (PSQI) and Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS), objective analysis of sleep and circadian parameters was conducted using polysomnographic (PSG) and Dim light melatonin onset (DLMO). These parameters were estimated onceatbaselineandonceafterintervention.Thesubjects receivedafixedamountoforalflaxseed consumption for a month. Post the intervention Polysomnographic and DLMO estimation was carried out to find out the effect of flaxseed on various sleep and circadian parameters. Chronotype estimation was also done both before and after the intervention using Morningness eveningness questionnaire Result: The study reported a significant changes in subjective sleep quality and objective parameters like sleep efficiency, sleep latency, REM sleep latency and Dim light melatonin onset (DLMO) after giving flaxseed supplementation Conclusion: Flaxseed has potential to be used as a functional food for improving sleep.

Key words: Flaxseed, Polysomnography, Chronotype, Sleep efficiency, Dim light melatonin onset (DLMO)

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