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Cognitive Booster of Wampee Peel Extract on Chronic Restraint Stress-Induced Memory Dysfunction in Rats

Terdthai Tongun, Wathita Phachonpai.

Cited by 4 Articles

Novel antioxidants and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors from fruits peel could be valuable alternatives for anti-amnesia. Wampee (WP) fruits is a rich source of high antioxidants. Lack of scientific document supporting the efficacy of WP peel extract to ameliorate memory impairment against amnesia induced by chronic restraint stress (CRS) until now. This study intended to illuminate the cognitive enhancer effect of WP peel extract in a rat model of CRS. Wistar rats were treated with the WP peel extract (200, 400 and 600 mg/kg) in a restrainer for 4 h for 28 consecutive days. The object recognition and Morris water maze tests were used to evaluate cognitive performances. The lipid peroxidation, AChE inhibitory and scavenging enzymes activities in rat's brain were also investigated. CRS exposure induces oxidative stress, decreases the antioxidant enzymes but increases AChE activities, causes of memory deficit in cognitive tests. Whereas, all various doses of WP peel extract were able to significantly diminish chronic stress induced memory deficit, and attenuated the brain deterioration originate by an excessive oxidative stress, and show a capacity to inhibit AChE enzyme activity. These findings indicate that WP peel extract was safe and valuable functional ingredients to develop product for brain-boosting foods.

Key words: Wampee, Cognitive booster, Oxidative damage, Stress, Brain-boosting foods

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