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Ulutas Med J. 2020; 6(3): 131-138

Adult Medulloblastoma: Clinical Profile and Treatment Result of 25 Patients

Ali Arslan, Vedat Acik.

Cited by 0 Articles

Introduction: The study aimed to discuss the clinical presentation of radiological findings, surgical treatments, and postoperative complications as well as the radiotherapy and chemotherapy options for adult patients with medulloblastoma.
Materials and Methods: A total of 25 patients (14 males and 11 females) between the ages of 17 and 63 who underwent an operation at our clinic between 2006-2016 are discussed in this article. The degree of resection in the patients and tumor sizes after radiotherapy (RT) and chemotherapy (Cht) was compared using the patientsÂ’ preoperative and postoperative magnetic resonance (MR) images.
Results: The average age of the patients was 30.9 years. Gross total resection was achieved in 20 patients, whereas subtotal resection was achieved in the remaining 5 patients. Three patients developed hydrocephalus during the 6th month after resection, which was treated with a V-P shunt. Another four patients developed a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) fistula. Among the five patients who only achieved subtotal resection, two died during the 24th month of the post-operative period, and the other three died during the 18th month. Eleven patients presented pathology of the desmoplastic type, and 14 patients presented classical medulloblastoma. Spinal metastasis was detected in three patients during the pre-operative follow-up and in three patients during the post-operative follow-up. The average survival rate of the cohort was 60% during the 3 to 5-year follow-up period.
Conclusion: Medulloblastoma development is a risk not only for children and adolescents but also for adults. Maximum tumor removal during treatment affects patient outcomes, and RT and Cht administration during the post-operative period can extend the life span of these patients.

Key words: Resection, adult medulloblastoma, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, survival

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