Objective- To review the potential benefits of Swarna / Swarnaprashana (a kind of gold therapeutics) in pediatric age for infectious diseases.
Data Source- various published researches has been reviewed.
Review Methods- qualitative analysis of the themes of the researches done previously was done and potential benefits and future prospects and idea was generated.
Results- Swarna (gold) nanoparticles has proven virucidal effect.
Conclusion- The use of Swarna in Indian system of medicine is from very ancient times. This sacred element had very broad use since it was incorporated in human civilizations. Today we are facing the covid-19 pandemic with such a disastrous effect on public health. This era has shown the mankind that whatever be the understanding and developments of modern medical system for infectious diseases, the microbe world is always a step ahead of us and modifying itself. The ancient use of Swarna as swarnaprashana in children has better chances of improving the immunity and fighting certain viral infections.
Key words: Keywords- Swarnaprashana, Swarna bhasma, Gold nanoparticles