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Research Article

ECB. 2022; 11(1): 4-7


Paluanov Bakhtiyar Aralbaevich*, Pirmatov Abdumalik, Rakhmatullinov Farrukh Faridovich, Musirov Shuxrat Zivaddinovich.


Abstract: This article examines the changes in the properties of cotton fiber as a result of impact action during ginning and automatic
bale opening. Currently, in our country, the quality of yarn spinning in the spinning mills is determined by the length of the fiber,
micronaire, strength (Str) and stiffness index of raw cotton. Moreover, the options for the introduction of fiber production and quality
yarn production technology that meet the requirements of Uzbekistan state standards 604:2016 are presented in this article in relation
with technologies in future processes. The paper deals with the study of the changes in the physical and mechanical properties of fiber
in the process of ginning cotton, fiber cleaning, yarn spinning.Also, experiments were carried out at the Cotton Ginning Plant
“Midasiatex Cluster” LLC. Samples in this experiment were taken from the fibers separated on a DP-130 roller gin machine in the
sequence of processes.Theresearch paper describes some changes in the physical and mechanical properties of fiber in the processes of
ginning cotton, fiber cleaning, and yarn spinning, pressing. Fiber properties of the product in each process were explored, and the
research was conducted in the laboratory of the joint venture “Wakefield Inspection Services (Tashkent) Ltd” under Tashkent Institute
of Textile and Light Industry the quality of cotton fiber using modern Uster® HVI 1000 system. As a result of the experiment, samples
were obta

Key words: Cotton fiber, fiber properties, detachment of fibers, automatic bale opener, Uster HVI 1000 system

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