The study was conducted to assess and compare the perceptions of Gomal University teachers regarding their teaching strategies in the light of Islamic strategies. A researcher made questionnaire was used for the purpose. The questionnaire was validated using Exploratory Factor Analysis and also through face and content validity. Items having ITC value greater than 0.3 were retained while the reliability of the questionnaire was recorded as 0.792. Skewness and Kurtosis were also used for normality of data. The population of the study consisted of 360 teachers working in different departments, institutes and faculties of Gomal University DIKhan. For the purpose of data collection, the tool was distributed among a selected sample of 189 Gomal University teachers out of which only 116 (Male=89, Female=27) responded appropriately. So, 116 respondents were considered for data analysis showing 61.37% response rate. Data was analyzed using SPSS (Version 26.0). Three hypotheses were also devised and accordingly tested. The data analysis revealed that most of the teachers perceptions towards Islamic teaching strategies falls within high category and further no significant differences were found in the perceptions of Gomal University teachers on the basis of gender, marital status and post. On the basis of conclusions, it was recommended that Islamic teaching strategies should be implemented in due spirit in Gomal Unviersity DIKhan.
Key words: Teaching Strategies, Perceptions, Teachers, Islamic Teaching