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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(3): 4346-4356

A Structured Encrypted Authentication For Wireless Sensor Networks

Mrs. Aswini V, Mr. Aashrith, Mr. KrishnaTeja, Mr.Dharanidharan.


The paper presents a Network security is very important in mobile devices in which different types of cryptographic algorithms are used to prevent malicious attack on the transmitted data. This work provides an encryption mechanism based on Rabbit stream cipher for providing confidentiality in Wireless Sensor Networks. It is a software oriented stream cipher with very strong security properties and support for 128-bits keys. It can be widely used in the applications of secure communication nodes that have limited processing and storage capabilities. Based on the implementation result it can be seen that the rabbit stream cipher algorithm is better than block cipher algorithm with regards to CPU time required for encryption. We propose the idea of using rabbit cipher to make this happen.

Key words: Encryption, Cipher Security, Symmetric Key, Authentication, Confidentiality, Integrity, Initialization Vector, Rabbit-MAC, and Wireless Sensor Network.

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