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RMJ. 2012; 37(3): 296-299

Causes of delayed presentation of breast carcinoma in our society.

Shahid Hussain Soomro, Akleema Asad Abro, Hafeezullah Soomro, Hafeezullah Abro, Nadia Bhatti.


Objective: To identify the factors responsible for delay in diagnosis of breast carcinoma in our society and quantify their magnitude.
Study Design: Case series
Place and duration of study: Department of Surgery unit III, Chandka Medical College Hospital Larkana and Larkana institute of nuclear medicine and radiotherapy (LINAR) from 01-01-2010 to 31-12-2010.
Methodology: All female patients diagnosed as breast carcinoma on histopathology were selected for study by non-probability purposive technique while male patients with breast carcinoma were excluded. Parameters like age of patient, delay in presentation, causes of delay, stage of disease and histopathological findings were analysed.
Result: Among One hundred twenty six patients with breast cancer mean age was 47.06+/- 13.17 years. Left side was commonly involved in 74(58.3%) patients while in 52(40.9%) right side was affected.
Majority of patients 89(70.64%) presented late, for duration more than 6 months (mean 18.03 +/- 10.71) specially patients above 70 years of age presented late with mean delay of 18 +/- 4.90 months.
Illiteracy was dominant factor for delay, observed in 44(33.33%) patients followed by poverty in 27(21.66%) patients. Other causes were shyness, fear of malignancy, non availability of medical facilities in 14(11.11%) and delay in diagnosis in 13 (10.31%). 72(57%) patients presented in advanced stage. In stage I, 2(1.6%), in stage II, 52(40.9%), in stage III, 43(33.9%) and in stage IV, 29(22.8%) were observed.
Invasive ductal cell carcinoma was the commonest type of carcinoma found in 121(95.3%) patients, while malignant phylloides in 3(2.4%) and lobular carcinoma was detected in 2(1.6%) patients.
Conclusion: Patients with breast carcinoma usually presented late with delay of more than 6 months, in advance stage, mostly due to illiteracy.

Key words: Breast carcinoma, delayed presentation, illiteracy, advance stage, invasive ductal cell carcinoma.

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