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Case Report

AAM. 2022; 11(2): 172-180

Ayurvedic management of multiple varicose ulcers due to incompetent perforator veins in lower limb-A case report

Sinimol T P, Varsha Sumedhan, Emy S Surendran, Karthika A P, Subhose V.


This case report is the description of multiple varicose ulcers of a 31 years old male, working as police constable. The ulcers were painful with serous discharge. In Doppler study of venous system of lower limbs, incompetent perforators were noted and condition was diagnosed as varicose ulcers. As no relief was obtained from external application of medicines as suggested by conventional treatment, patient came to the Out Patient Department (OPD) of Regional Ayurveda Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. In Ayurveda, varicose ulcers can be considered as Siragranthijanya vran. Internal medications used have raktashodhak, krimighn, soolahar, vranashodhak and vranaropan properties. Leech therapy was also done. The case is unique in the sense that ulcers were in multiple sites and healed completely after 3 weeks with cost effective and non surgical measures. The presented combination of leech therapy and Ayurvedic medications was found to be a good alternative therapy in the management of nonhealing varicose ulcers.

Key words: Venous ulcers; Vrana; Jalukavacharan; Leech therapy, Case report

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