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Diagnostic utility of two-dimensional shear wave elastography to differentiate benign and malignant breast lesions

Serdar Arslan, Aysegul Altunkeser, Mehmet Sedat Durmaz, Mehmet Ali Eryilmaz, Fatih Oncu, Yaşar Unlu.

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Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic performance of two-dimensional shear wave elastography in the differentiation of malignant and benign breast lesions.
Material and Methods: A total of 83 breast lesions in 76 patients were prospectively investigated with B-mode ultrasonography and two-dimensional shear wave elastography techniques. B-mode ultrasonography findings were classified based on BI-RADS lexicon 5th edition. The mean elasticity and the standard deviation of speed mode (m/s) and elasticity mode (kPa) were calculated for all breast lesions. Diagnostic performances of each quantitative parameters were compared.
Results: Of 83 breast lesions, 45 (54.2%) were benign and 38 (45.7%) were malignant. Among the all shear wave elastography parameters, the standard deviation (ESD) of the shear wave speed (m/s) had the highest AUROC (0.953) value. When a cut-off value of 0.85 m/s was used for ESD of speed mode, sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, PPV, and NPV were detected as 94.7%, 88.8%, 91.5%, 87.8%, and 95.2%, respectively.
Conclusions: Two-dimensional shear wave elastography has excellent diagnostic performance in the differentiation of benign and malignant breast lesions. The standard deviation (ESD) of speed modehad the best diagnostic performance when compared other quantitative parameters.

Key words: Shear Wave Elastography; Ultrasound; Breast Lesions.

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