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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(3): 2993-2997

Challenges & Objectives of Higher Education

Dr. Tanuja Nafde.


Our Education system chooses one ideal and all are supposed to be like that one. We don’t get that what we are asking our future generation to be ‘like someone’ and indirectly teaching them not to `believe in self’. We need to change our education system and bring one which won’t ask the students to `deviate from themselves’. The new education should teach students to ask questions and not only to answer the questions asked by the teacher. The centre of new education should be love and not ambition, competition, jealousy

Key words: like someone, belief in self, love, humility, ambition, competition, jealousy, revolution in education, Higher education, Concepts, research, सा विद्या या विमुक्तये.

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