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Review Article

The Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Possible Treatments of Glaucoma

Tawan Petpaiboon.

Cited by 0 Articles

Glaucoma is a disease related to the eyes. The intraocular pressure is said to be the cause of it, although there are many cases that can't be explained by the rise in eye pressure. Therefore, the diagnosis and treatments involved with glaucoma are not fully developed due to this unclear pathophysiology. Patients with glaucomatous eyes experience exacerbations of vision, and permanent blindness eventually appears in some. This literature review is a compilation of many studies, research, and sources that contain information related to the disease glaucoma. The aim is to introduce the types of glaucoma, pathophysiology, genetic aspects, diagnosis, and possible treatments.

Key words: Glaucoma, Intraocular Pressure, Rho-kinase, Primary open-glaucoma, Laser Treatment, Surgery

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