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Agrobacterium rhizogenes as molecular tool for the production of hairy roots in Withania somnifera

Manali Singh, Deep Chandra Suyal, Nisha Dinkar, Soniya Joshi, Nishtha Srivastava, Vineet Kumar Maurya, Abhiruchi Agnihotri, Sanjeev Agrawal.

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India is the world’s richest country, with a vast array of plants and genetic resources for medicinal plants. When it comes to the introduction of new plant species, environmental factors are crucial. When plants are subjected to various environmental conditions, they produce tissue-specific secondary metabolites. The main metabolites are found in varying amounts throughout the medicinal plant’s tissues. With regard to location and environmental conditions, production of bioactive metabolites plays a critical impact. As a result, the agro-climatic conditions are favorable for the introduction and domestication of new imported plant types with improved and consistent contents. Keeping in mind the pharmacological importance of bioactive components, the current chapter focuses on the hairy root production used to increase their production through the use of new technologies. Keeping in mind the pharmacological importance of bioactive substances, the current chapter focuses on hairy root formation, which is aided by rhizosphere modeling through Agrobacterium rhizogenes. In some dicotyledonous plants, soil bacteria called A. rhizogenes causes hairy root disease. A. rhizogenes-mediated transformation aids in a better understanding of the rhizosphere’s host-plant association system, as well as the use, transformation, and formation of new upgrade transgenic crops hairy root culture, which is beneficial for improved growth and continuous production of pharmacologically bioactive ingredients in elite germplasm.

Key words: Agrobacterium rhizogenes; transformation; Hairy roots;enhanced secondary metabolites; sustainable agriculture.

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