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J Pak Dent Assoc. 2022; 31(4): 161-164

Role of biomarkers to predict the timing for commencement of maxillary expansion in younger children by assessing the Alkaline phosphatase in gingival crevicular fluid.

ahmad shamim qureshi,asmi shaheen,hafiza asma javed,samina qadir,shabbir hussain,nauman sadiq.


ABTRACT: The objectives of this study were to observe the changes in enzyme behavior during Orthodontic tooth movement and Rapid Maxillary expansion to predict the exact timing for Commencement of treatment in young children. Material and methods: We selected fifteen patients having age between 9-15 years. Periodontal protocols (Samples from buccal and palatal side) were observed and sample collection before initiation of treatment, during and after activation was done from patients requiring RME. The GCF and ALP activity was checked at the experimental location.
Results: The initial enzyme activity in GCF and ALP was calculated between the buccal and Control sites during maxillary expansion. It was observed that during activation of the appliance and then after 3 months of retention period a significantly elevated enzyme levels were still noted at the experimental sites.
Conclusion: An Increase in osteoblastic activity during adolescence period can predict commencement of early or delayed intervention for most favorable treatment results.

Key words: Gingival Crevicular Fluid, Biomarkers, Alkaline Phosphatase, Rapid Maxillary Expansion.

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