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JEBP. 2021; 0(2): 163-190

A New Instrument for Assessment of Emotion Regulation: The Emotion Regulation Interview-Revised Form

Pelin Bintaş-Zörer, Orçun Yorulmaz.


The main purpose of the present study is to adapt the Emotion Regulation Interview (ERI) into Turkish and to examine its psychometric properties, while at the same time, to revise it by extending its scope in terms of emotions, emotion regulation (ER) strategies, and the efficacy measures related to ER strategies. For this purpose, various adjustments have been made to the original interview form, resulting in the Emotion Regulation Interview-Revised Form (ERI-RF). The ERI-RF evaluates the regulation of the emotions (i.e., anxiety, sadness, anger) experienced in romantic relationships, recognizing that emotions and ER mostly emerge in close relationships. A total of 138 participants in romantic relationships were interviewed using the ERI-RF, and second interviews were conducted with 31 of the participants for the assessment of test-retest reliability. Results showed that the ERI-RF had good validity results, and the use of some ER strategies to certain emotions demonstrated sufficient test-retest reliability. It was concluded that the ERI-RF, as an assessment tool for the evaluation of a wide range of ER strategies based on the most frequently experienced emotions, has sufficient psychometric properties, and that its use in different samples in feature studies may yield useful results.

Key words: emotion; emotion regulation; process model; interview; romantic relationships

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