With the wide rise of drug resistance in microbial populations, there has been a surge in researches to find new natural antibiotics alternative compounds that can be used safely in both humans and animals. The main goals of using this category of alternatives are maintaining the gut microbiome in healthy conditions and prevent the attachment of pathogenic organism at the early life. Probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics are widely used since several years as a growth promotors and preventive measures against several enteric pathogens with successful results. Recently, paraprobiotics and postbiotics are derivatives of probiotics cultures and have been used in human, animals and poultry. They are regarded as immuno-stimulators, anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, anti-microbial a well as growth promotors. Till now, there are scanty information about using of paraprobiotics and postbiotics in animals or in poultry sector. Accordingly, this review article focused on defining these new categories of natural alternatives with description of their types, functions and uses especially in poultry field.
Key words: Immuno-modulation, Paraprobiotics, Performance, Postbiotics, Poultry