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JPAS. 2021; 21(1): 67-76

Effects of Viscous Dissipation on a Steady Mixed Convection Couette Flow of Heat Generating/Absorbing Fluid

Ayuba Umar Muhammad,Abiodun O. Ajibade.


This paper theoretically investigates mixed convection and viscous dissipation effects on a steady flow of heat generating/absorbing fluid in a vertical channel. One of the plate is moving while the other is stationary. Homotopy Perturbation Method is used to find the approximate solution of the governing equations. The influences of the dimensionless hydrodynamics and thermodynamics flow parameters have been plotted in graphs. It is found that, increase in the mixed convection parameter $Gre$ and Brinkman number $Br$ enhances the velocity of the fluid near the heated plate while the reverse case is observed near the cold plate. The temperature profile increases with increase in $Gre$ and $Br$. It is noteworthy to mention that, smaller critical values of $Gre$ can be obtained by increasing the viscous dissipation or the heat generation. It is further noted that, the skin friction decreases on both the plates with increase in heat generation $S0$.

Key words: Mixed Convection; Viscous dissipation; Vertical channel; Homotopy Perturbation Method; Critical value; Pressure gradient

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