In this study, we aimed to analyse the non-routine discharge period of the ECI and its predicted effect on the 30-day mortality rate in geriatric and non-geriatric patients admitted for partial hip replacement. 215 patients who underwent elective partial hip arthroplasty under spinal anaesthesia in our tertiary hospital were included in the study. This was a single-centre retrospective descriptive study. Data were collected by reviewing the electronic patient data system and patient files. The patients were divided into two groups as non-geriatric (18-64-year-old, n=125) and geriatric (≥65-year-old, n=90). The impact of the Elixhauser Comorbidity Index (ECI) on postoperative mortality rates and the discharge time from the hospital was analysed by comparing the age groups. The ECI percentage values (80.86 ± 3.99) of recovered patients were higher than patients discharged as exitus (71.5 ± 7.74) (p 0.05). When ECI≤77.8%, it predicts mortality with 77.8% sensitivity and 85.92% specificity. The Elixhauser Comorbidity index could not predict the time of discharge due to complications developed after transfer of patients to the postoperative intensive care unit. There was no significant correlation between ECI and discharge time in non-geriatric and geriatric patients.
Key words: Anaesthesia, comorbidity, geriatrics; non-geriatric, hip prosthesis, mortality