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In vitro evaluation of arsenic accumulation and tolerance in some agricultural crops growing adjacent to the Ganga River

Dheeraj Pandey, Harbans Kaur Kehri, Ifra Zoomi, Shweta Chaturvedi, Kanhaiya Lal Chaudhary.

Cited by 1 Articles

The presence of arsenic in water is linked not only to health concerns, but also to the socio-economic conditions of a huge population in poor countries. The severity of As-poisoning might be accelerated by poor health and nutritional status. Many people suffer from pre-cancerous skin keratosis, Bowen’s disease, and Arsenicosis, among other conditions. Long-term exposure can cause cancer. For in vitro screening of As tolerant plant, four plants viz., Triticum aestivum, Lycopersicon esculentum, Solanum melongena, and Capsicum annuum, were raised in As amended triple sterilized soil and sand mixture (1:1 ratio). L. esculentum and S. melongena could survive up to 100 ppm but extremely poor growth and biomass were recorded. The maximum tolerance was recorded in T. aestivum up to 150 ppm, whereas least survival was recorded for C. annuum.

Key words: Arsenic, T. aestivum, As-tolerant.

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