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Self-directed learning readiness in MBBS students of private medical college in Bengaluru

Padmapriya K, Sudhakar H H.


Background: Self-directed learning has been recognized as a process in which students take initiative and responsibility for their own learning and curriculum based medical education also focuses on self-directed learning skills that medical students must inculcate to enable lifelong learning throughout their career.

Aim and Objectives: This study intends to measure the self-directed learning readiness of the MBBS students and also to identify if there is any association between the self-directed readiness and student’s demographic characteristics.

Materials and Methods: 644 medical students of Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences at all levels of training participated in the study and their self-directed readiness was assessed using self-directed learning readiness scale (SDLRS) designed by Fisher et al. in 2001.

Results: The SDLR score was 147.35 ± 19.92 with 54.27% students scoring

Key words: Medical Students; Self-directed Learning; Self-directed Learning Readiness Scale

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