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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 8111-8133

Impact Of Social Media Upon Social Unrest Of The Arab Spring And India Spring Of Anna Hazare Anti-Corruption Movement

Charu Panwar.


The present study aims at finding out the role of social media in the popular mobilizations. The study has tested a wide spectrum of variables in both quantitative and qualitative form. This is a study of its own kind which includes both qualitative and quantitative and that also with appropriate statistical tools. The primary data of the study has supported the literature and most of the findings are consistent with the existing literature. The study has found that social media connect people in a normal and regular way. Overall, the study has found many important aspects related to the Arab Spring and Anna Hazare’s Anti-corruption movement. Thus, there is no second opinion that both the events were highly supported by the social media such as Facebook and Twitter. The experts opined that the social media platforms may not be the causes of the events but they support the events in a big way.

Key words: social media, popular mobilizations, Arab Spring and Anna Hazare’s Anti-corruption movement.

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