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Review Article

NNJ. 2019; 8(1): 6-9

A Study to Assess the Knowledge on Prevention of Diabetes Mellitus among Adults in Dakkilivaripalem, Nellore

Mrs. B. Vanaja Kumari.


Abstract: Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic disease characterized by elevated level of glucose in
the blood resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action or both .Normally a certain amount of
glucose circulates in the blood. Objectives: 1. To assess the knowledge regarding prevention of diabetes
mellitus among adults. 2. To find out the association between the knowledge regarding prevention of
diabetes mellitus with their selected socio demographic variables. Material and Methods: A descriptive
research design was used to assess the prevalence of diabetes mellitus among adults. The 50 adults were
selected using by non probabilityconvenience sampling technique.Results and conclusion: The results
reveals that knowledg regarding prevention of Diabetes Mellitus among adults, 15(30%) have B grade,
12(24%) have C grade and 23 (46%) have D grade knowledge. The study concluded that majority of
people having D grade knowledge regarding prevention of Diabetes Mellitus as a Community health nurse
need to upgrade their knowledge for protecting their health.

Key words: Diabetes Mellitus, Insulin, Prevention, Adults

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