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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 3639-3646

The Development of Sustainable Tourism through Multilateralism, Cultural Cooperation and Diplomacy: The Case of Sweden and Finland

Nadya Fadilah, Mohamad Dian Revindo.


Tourism industry in Europe is currently heavily influenced by climate change policies and the importance of environmental conservation. Countries in Europe are beginning to adopt the concept of sustainable tourism to contribute to environmental preservation. This concept allows tourists, especially those from outside Europe, to appreciate the environment more and with the hope that they will apply the same concept in their home country. This article discusses sustainable tourism as a mean of cultural diplomacy. Sweden and Finland are two European countries that have implemented the concept of sustainable tourism with good results in terms of economic impact, cultural diplomacy and in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a global form of cooperation agreement to end the poverty, protect the planet and enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. This article discusses the strategies and policies adopted by Sweden and Finland regarding sustainable tourism as well as with cultural diplomacy.

Key words: sustainable tourism, cultural diplomacy, Sweden, Finland, European Union, Multilateralism.

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