Background - To teach is to learn twice. The study is designed to enhance students learning by intervention of Near Peer Assisted Mentoring (NPAM) to develop their view of application of knowledge. Objectives -To evaluate the effectiveness of NPAM to learn application of knowledge & assess their perception regarding model.
Material & Method- All the students excluding repeaters admitted in the current academic year to the first year B.A.M.S. course were selected for the
study as mentees. The number of mentees enrolled in this study was 60 which was intake capacity of the course in the Institution. The ten students of second year were selected as mentors on criteria basis. Mentees randomly divided into two groups Group A & Group B. Group B had given NPAM intervention. To every mentor 6 mentees were allotted to give intervention. At the same time Group A asked to study material in library. Both the groups exposed to Pre & Post test which was framed as per Blooms taxonomy. Reactions were analyzed by feedback.
Results Intervention group showed good improvement in the post test scores (p- 0.0001). The normalize gain was also high (0.71). Mentees & mentors both viewed positively to enhances their learning & critical thinking process.
Conclusion This intervention was effective for both the mentees & mentors for deeper exploration of the concepts and applying concepts to solve clinical problems.
Key words: Near Pear Assisted Mentoring,NPAM, Blooms taxonomy, mentees, mentors