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Case Report

Med Arch. 2020; 74(1): 73-76

Papillary Cystadenofibroma of Fallopian Tube: Case Report with a Literature Review

Edin Hodzic, Sadat Pusina, Salem Bajramagic, Mirhan Salibasic.


Introduction: Tumors of Fallopian tubes are rare in general, and they are the rarest tumors of female genital tract. According to clasification of World health organisation (WHO), papillomas, cystadenoma, adenofibroma, cystadenofibroma (CAF), metaplastic papillary tumors and endometrioid polyps belong to group of benign tumors. Serous papillary cystadenofibroma (SPCAF) is rare tumor and it is ususally located on fimbrial end of the tube and it is considered that it has „Müllerian“ origin. Aim: The aim of this article is to show a rare case of cystadenofibroma of Fallopian tube which was found as random sample during histopathological analysis of specimen which was extracted during laparatomy due to the large tumor mass in abdomen. Case report: A 43-year-old patient underwent surgery for a large tumor mass in the abdomen, unknown lesions and pathohistology, which was radiologically verified four years before hospitalization. We removed the specimen that made up the tumor, along with the uterus and adnexes, weighing 14 kg and sent for histopatology. A large tumor mass is made up of a giant uterine myoma, and in the analysis of the other preparation, in addition to endometrial adenocarcinoma, there is also a rare Fallopian tube cystadenofibroma. On the sixth day of hospitalization, the patient is discharged home. At control after three months, the patient was without problems, with ongoing adjuvant brachytherapy. Conclusion: Improvement of prevention measures and work on the continuing education of patients and physicians at the primary care level are needed to ensure that patients receive the best treatment in a timely manner. Cystadenofibroma is a rare tumor in general and gynecologic oncology, and as authors it is a great honor for us to contribute to the world literature and to present the twentieth case of this tumor.

Key words: cystadenofibroma, Fallopian tube, giant myoma, surgery.

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