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JEAS. 2014; 1(1): 30-36

Heat Transfer from Moving Surfaces in a Micropolar Fluid with Internal Heat Generation

M. A. El-Hakiem.

Cited by 8 Articles

A boundary layer analysis is presented for the forced convection problem of a surfacemoving continuously in a flowing stream of a micropolar with internal heat generation. Two cases are considered, one corresponding to a plane surface moving in parallel withthe free-stream and the other, a surface moving in theopposite direction to the free stream. A two-dimensional similarity solution to the governing equations momentum, angular momentum and energy is derived. Numerical data for the local friction coefficients, local Nusselt number and local wall couple stress has been shown tabulated for a range of values of material properties, micro-polarparameter Ξ”and (with and without) heat generation.

Key words: Heattransfer, Moving surfacees, Micropolar fluid, Internal heat generation.

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