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BMB. 2020; 5(3): 0-0

The Importance of De Ritis Ratio in Patients with Bladder Cancer

kasım ertaş, recep eryilmaz, rahmi aslan, murat demir, kerem taken.


Numerous studies prove the relationship between serum aspartate transaminase / alanine transaminase (AST / ALT) ratio (De Ritis Ratio) and cancer cases. However, the results obtained by the researchers are controversial, and most scientific articles have different results. There are studies revealing the De Ritis Ratio relationship in Urothelial carcinoma patients. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to reveal the relationship between De Ritis Ratio and Bladder cancer.
This study was carried out by the approval of our hospital's ethics committee dated 26/07/2018 and numbered 2018/12 document. 172 patients who underwent bladder cancer and 68 healthy control group were included in the study. It has been evaluated whether there is a relationship between AST / ALT values and tumor stages and pathologies of these patients, and it was retrospectively investigated whether the De Ritis ratio differs between healthy and bladder cancer individuals.
In this study, in which 240 individuals, including 172 patients and 68 control groups, were evaluated, no statistical significance was observed between AST / ALT ratio and tumor stage, tumor pathology, USG findings, tumor size. However, a statistical difference was observed between the control group and the patient group in values of AST / ALT ratio. The De Ritis ratio (AST / ALT) in bladder cancer patients was higher than the control group (mean: 1.18 / 0.91).
According to the findings of this study, AST / ALT ratio in bladder tumor patients differs compared to the control group. Therefore, it can be thought that the rate of De Ritis is a parameter that helps diagnosis and prognosis of these patients.

Key words: Aspartate transaminase to alanine transaminase ratio, bladder cancer (BC),De Ritis ratio

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