Introduction: Periodic paralysis hypokalemia is characterized by low potassium levels at the time of the attack, with a history of episodes of weakness to paralysis of the skeletal muscles which are often rarely well diagnosed.
Case Report: The patient was a 24 years old male and included in the Asian population, with clinical symptoms in the form of weakness in the extremities experienced suddenly in the morning when you wake up. Physical and laboratory examinations and supported by ultrasound results in the presence of mixechoic cysts in the right and left lobes of significant diameter according to clinical symptoms during the period of paralysis and hypokalemia in patients requiring immediate supplementation with potassium clorida (KCl) to prevent cardiac arrhythmias and respiratory arrest.
Conclusion: We Reported a case with suspicion of a Familial Periodic Paralysis Hypokalemia with the manifestation of a malignancy in the thyroid field. This case is a rare case, so it is very interesting to explore and serve as lesson material for us together.
Key words: male, hypokalemia, periodic, paralysis, familial