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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 4472-4478


Asad Khan, Salman Khan, Muhammad Ayaz.


Parents’ participation has incontrovertible relationship with students’ academic achievements. The objective of the study was to analyze the parents and school management role in the education of children at primary level in District Peshawar. All the Head Teachers at primary school level at District Peshawar were termed as population of the study. 200 Head Teachers constituted as sample of the study. Simple random sampling technique applied in the study. Data was collected through questionnaire. The collected data was presented in percentage using SPSS Version 17. Result of the study show that parents of the children were not cooperating and participating with school management and school management was also not playing its due role. Parents Teachers Councils (PTCs) were not performing their functions in the schools. The study recommended that parents may be actively involved in the schools activities and the PTCs may be strengthened through proper trainings to spread awareness in the parents about collaborating with school management. These activities will ultimately produce a better relationship between parents and school management and teachers.

Key words: Parents, Promotion, Primary, Relationship.

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