This thesis examines the difference of political engagement between users of different communication networks. Communication networks are categories in two types i) interpersonal communication (Face-to-Face communication) ii) technological communication. Face-to-Face individual communication takes as inter personal communication network and in technological networks, TV and social networking sites are taken. Difference in conventional political activates tested with the use of these different communication networks. Fundraising, volunteering, attending political rallies or meetings, and signing online petitions were the variables used to study political participation. Quantitative survey research design has been applied to this research, in which the data collection tool was a questionnaire. The samples were selected through a quota sampling technique at different levels of the population. The findings revealed that people who use face-to-face communication for attaining political information are slightly more active than other. However, there was no remarkable difference noted in political engagement with the use of different communication networks and social networking sites came as the top used communication network among youth. Additionally, the survey came as male are significantly more politically active than female while, the using means of information is almost same.
Key words: Communication networks, Political engagement, Face-to-face interpersonal communication