Background: Competence will be acquired in medical education if there is a regular periodic assessment. Traditional practical assessment is subjective, and due to the lack of objective practical assessment, the competency in skill acquisition will be compromised. Implementation of objective structured practical examination (OSPE)/objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) will be a reliable tool for the effective assessment of all domains.
Aims and Objective: The aim and objectives of this study were to explore the perception of faculty on OSPE/OSCE conducted in physiology.
Materials and Methods: The aim of the study was to obtain the faculty feedback on OSPE/OSCE. This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study survey questionnaire and in-depth interview. A total of 50 medical faculties teaching in medical colleges of different universities in South India were participated in the study. To all faculties included in the study, the questionnaire was mailed and interview was conducted by telephoning. The results were then analyzed.
Results: The results indicated the acceptance of OSPE/ OSCE by more than 85% of faculties as a good assessment tool which favors better skill acquisition, critical thinking, and learning objective. However, more than 60% of faculties felt that OSPE/OSCE was taxing mentally and physically and it required additional faculty to conduct the examinations.
Conclusion: OSPE/OSCE helps a student in better acquisition of knowledge and skill as it is a better tool of assessment and also helps in teaching modifications.
Key words: Objective Structured Practical Examination; Objective Structured Clinical Examination; Assessment; Faculty Perception