Objective: To comparison of Cassia fistula leaves and Garlic in preventing drug induced liver injury in rats.
Methodology: Rodents were segregated into Control group (I), Isoniazid group (II), Garlic group (III) &Cassia Fistula group (IV). The control group received only standard diet. The Group II received standard dietalong with anti-tuberculous drug. The Group III and IV received standard dietalong with INH in addition to Cassia Fistula and Garlic. Blood samples were collected after 1 week of acclimatization and at 30th day.
Results: In group II, elevated serumalanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), alkaline phosphatase(ALP) and total bilirubin levels were noted. Group III showed values close to normal levels of of liver function, but Group IV showed values within range of normal levels of biochemical indicators of liver function.
Conclusion: Toxic dose of INH caused severe liver injury in group II, while liver injury was prevented in group III and IV receiving CF and Garlic, thus providing hepato-protective effect.
Key words: Hepato-protection, isoniazid (INH), Cassia fistula, garlic.