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Case Report

Recurrent Ogilvie’s Syndrome after spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage: a rare but possible fatal association

Sergio Brito, Mariana Martins, Catarina Faria, Hugo Moreira, Nuno Ferreira, Teresa Mesquita, Luis Campos.

Cited by 0 Articles

Ogilvie’s syndrome is a rare condition characterized by acute colonic dilatation in the absence of mechanical obstruction. It usually occurs in hospitalized patients with severe illness, but it is rarely associated to strokes. We report a case of a 61-years-old male with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage complicated with recurrent episodes of Ogilvie’s syndrome. In this case, the main keys are local and systemic consequences and implications of recurrences in the final outcome.

Key words: Ogilvie’s syndrome, intracerebral hemorrhage, stroke

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