This work involves the synthesis of oxide nanoparticles via chemical precipitation method and formation of nanocomposites by in situ polymerization method. The treated and blank samples were prepared and investigated for ignitability, flame propagation and afterglow time. Sb2O3/PS was found to give a good effect for ignitability after 6.00sec than BaO/PS, NiO/PS nanocomposites and untreated polystyrene after 5.00sec, 4.00sec and 2.00sec as the concentration of the nanoparticles incorporated in the polystyrene increased respectively. Sb2O3/PS gave a better effect for flame propagation than untreated polystyrene, BaO/PS and NiO/PS nanocomposites. Sb2O3/PS nanocomposite has afterglow time of 1 sec at 0.25 g concentration than BaO/PS (2 sec) and NiO/PS nanocomposite (2 sec) and blank polystyrene (5 sec). Conclusively, with this result, Sb2O3/PS nanocomposite was found to give a better retarding effect. It is recommended that during the production of polymer nanocomposites, PS/Sb2O3, PS/BaO and PS/NiO nanocomposites could be use to hinder or slow down the propagation of fire during accidental fire outbreaks.
Key words: Polystyrene, oxide nanoparticles, nanocomposites, afterglow, ignitability, flame propagation rate.