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Review Article

RMJ. 2003; 28(2): 56-62

The HIV Epidemic: factors responsible for the epidemic and the impact of HIV/AIDS

Oguntibeju OO, Van Schalkwyk FE, Van Den Heever WMJ.


Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/AIDS has been seen as one of the most severe infection/disease ever known to have attacked the human population; mostly affecting the economically productive age group (15-49 years). HIV is also seen as an infection of attitude and behaviour as it is closely associated with sexual behaviour especially where person has more than one sexual partner. The factors responsible for the spread of HIV infection are complex. It ranges from social, political, environmental, biological and physical factors. The impacts of HIV/AIDS on various sectors have many implications and are discussed in this paper and methods of reducing the epidemics recommended. (Rawal Medical Journal 2003;28:56-62).

Key words: HIV, AIDS, Africa

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