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A cross-sectional study to assess the clinicoepidemiological profile of COVID-19 deaths in a COVID Designated Hospital of Bengaluru city

Prakruthi R A, Mohamed Tanveer Ahmed, Riyaz Basha.

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Background: COVID-19 pandemic which has spread across the India has resulted in many deaths among all age groups. Many children were orphaned and left homeless. The unkind misery faced by the humanity all over the world need to be understood in the best possible way to curb and prevent its further spread so that many lives can be saved.

Aims and Objectives: The present study was undertaken to assess the Clinico-epidemiological profile of COVID positive deaths in a COVID designated hospital of Bangalore City.

Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study done on all the COVID positive patients who died during the first and second wave in this COVID designated hospital. The study period was from June 2020 to November 2021. All those patients who were under treatment for COVID and succumbed to it was included till the desired sample size was obtained. Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics and SPSS software.

Results: There were total 452 deaths out of the total admissions of 3336 accounting for a case fatality rate of 13.5%. Majority of the deaths were among males (63%) followed by females (36.9%). Deaths were more common in 60–69 years (24.5%) of age group. Among the total 452 deaths only 15 (3.3%) in first wave had a history of contact with a COVID positive case. In the second wave only 3 deaths had a history of previous COVID infection. In the second wave, out of the total 200 deaths, 06 were completely vaccinated and 02 were partially vaccinated. Majority of the patients who died were from Bangalore. Almost 59.7% of patients were APL card holders. The most common presentation among the COVID positive deaths was breathlessness followed by other respiratory symptoms such as cough, fever, and cold and throat pain.

Conclusion: In this study we found that mortality due to COVID was more among males. Majority was APL card holders and belongs to the age group of 60–69 years.

Key words: Clinico-Epidemiological Profile; COVID-19; Pandemic; Mortality

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