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RMJ. 2005; 30(2): 71-73

Darryl, a cartoon-based measure of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in persons with Developmental Disabilities

Fawad Kaiser.


Objective: To asses the reaction of persons with developmental disabilities to posttraumatic stress disorder using Darryl, a cartoon-based measure of cardinal symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Method: We measured persons with developmental disabilities manifesting continuing emotions and behavioural difficulties following PTSD in the Cambridge community through the reports of patients and their parents and then administered Darryl to a sample of 46 persons who have suffered trauma.

Results: Darryl’s reliability is excellent overall and is acceptable for the re- experiencing, avoidance and arousal subscales. PTSD was the primary diagnosis in 35 (11 persons) of the overall referral group, and was the only diagnosis in 11 persons (3%).

Conclusions: Individuals with developmental disabilities who have suffered trauma may develop PTSD. It is possible to diagnose PTSD in these individuals using Darryl, a cartoon-based measure of PTSD. (Rawal Med J 2005;30:71-73).

Key words: PTSD, trauma, developmental disabilities.

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