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Review Article

RMJ. 2005; 30(1): 25-28

Nitrous Oxide: It’s Role In Present Day Anesthesia

Iftikhar Ahmed.


Nitrous oxide is the most durable of all anesthetics. Other agents have come and gone, but nitrous oxide has become even more popular. Today, its applications in general anesthesia are nearly ubiquitous. Despite its long history of use, we know very little about certain aspects of nitrous oxide, resulting from our limited and myopic interest in and understanding of this “perfect” if some what impotent agent. The aim of this essay is to take a closer look at Nitrous Oxide and to analyse and evaluate the role and place of this oldest agent in our present age of safe and sophisticated anesthetic practices.

Key words: Anesthesia, nitrous oxide, CNS depressants

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