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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 4356-4360

"Toba Tek Singh" Seeking Identity Beyond the Borders

Puneet Randhawa.


The Partition of India into two independent states emerges as a dark and grotesque chapter in the annals of history. The grand narrative of liberty lay rotten and unrecognizable. What was dreamt to be a free India, smouldered instead with the stink of corpses and mutilated self esteems. The section of women pitiably stood erased with their identity in shreds. The entire scenario spoke of the heartless animality human kind could be subjected to while harbouring fanaticism and communal hatred. Though Pandit Nehru's historical speech 'Tryst with destiny' carried no mention of the fate of millions who were butchered, the innocents who were targeted and killed, but surely as we look back, we cannot deny that Independence was tainted with the blood of millions.

Key words: Borders, history, Independence

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